The Home Screen

When logged in to the Compass Parent Portal, parents will be brought to the home screen.


To navigate back to this screen at any point, parents can click the home icon in the top left corner of the screen.

On the home screen, parents will be able to view any children they have at the school on the left hand side of the screen, and on the right, any alerts or notifications specific to their account, followed by any News Feed Items that have been targeted to the applicable parent audience.

Underneath the student names are links from which parents can access:

  • - The student's profile page 
  • - Email functionality
  • - Attendance pages customised for their children, where notes/approvals can be entered
  • - Academic reports for the student
  • - Parent/Student/Teacher Conference bookings
  • - Any overdue Learning Tasks that the student has not yet submitted

At the top of the 'My News' section, any applicable reminders or notifications will appear. These may include:

  • - Outstanding absences or late arrivals that require a note or approval
  • - Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences that are available for booking
  • - Excursions or Events that require consent and/or payment
  • - Semester Reports or Learning Tasks that are available to download.

© Grayling Primary School